Labels:text | newspaper | flyer | screenshot | pink OCR: Daily NEWS mail YEAR AT 1989 A GLANCE SPORT ROYALTY ARTS LIFESTYLE FEMAIL HIS FIRST WORDS: "That's one small step Ritual for man but one giant leap for mankind' murder in MAN WALKS ON THE Hollywood A HOUSEBOY WAS under arrest today qu Comment MOON suspicion of carrying Hollywood's Well met by gruesome make oftmier. moonlight William Garretson, 19, was detained in a THE gawky legs in NEIL Armstrong took the first steps on the cottage on the zytate the dust, Human moon early today as a breathless world where actress Sharon eyes peer out at the watched the climax of a staggering feat of Tate, 26. and four devolato plains and human and scientific endeavour. other people died. craters. Men have A. police officer said on the Armstrong, the only ehvillan in the Apollo he was convinced there ards ...